Custom Insert Medals

 1.75” Diameter

Antique Laurel Leaf 1.75” (pictured in gold)

Antique Laurel Leaf 1.75” (pictured in gold)

Antique Star Wreath 1.75” (pictured in gold)

Antique Star Wreath 1.75” (pictured in gold)

2.25” Diameter

Antique Laurel Leaf 2.25” (pictured in bronze)

Antique Laurel Leaf 2.25” (pictured in bronze)

Bright Laurel Leaf 2.25” (pictured in silver)

Bright Laurel Leaf 2.25” (pictured in silver)

Bright Star 2.25 (pictured in gold, silver, and bronze)

Bright Star 2.25 (pictured in gold, silver, and bronze)

Diamond Edge 2.25” (pictured in gold)

Diamond Edge 2.25” (pictured in gold)

Red, White & Blue Swirl 2.25” (pictured in bronze)

Red, White & Blue Swirl 2.25” (pictured in bronze)

2.5” Diameter

Antique Wreath 2.5” (pictured in silver)

Antique Wreath 2.5” (pictured in silver)

Antique Victory Crown 2.5” (pictured in gold)

Antique Victory Crown 2.5” (pictured in gold)

Antique Star 2.5” (pictured in gold)

Antique Star 2.5” (pictured in gold)

Bright White Gem 2.25” (pictured in bronze)

Bright White Gem 2.25” (pictured in bronze)

2.75” Diameter

Bright Weave 2.75” (pictured in silver)

Bright Weave 2.75” (pictured in silver)

Bright White Gem 2.75” (pictured in silver)

Bright White Gem 2.75” (pictured in silver)

Antique Flare 2.75” (pictured in gold)

Antique Flare 2.75” (pictured in gold)

Antique Ribbon Border 2.75” (pictured in bronze)

Antique Ribbon Border 2.75” (pictured in bronze)

Antique Star Wreath 2.75” (pictured in silver)

Antique Star Wreath 2.75” (pictured in silver)

Bright Star Wreath 2.75” (pictured in gold)

Bright Star Wreath 2.75” (pictured in gold)

3” Diameter

Antique Spinner 3” (middle insert spins)

Antique Spinner 3” (middle insert spins)

World Class 3” (pictured in gold)

World Class 3” (pictured in gold)

3.75” Diameter

Antique Star 3.75”

Antique Star 3.75”

Bright Star 3.75” (pictured in silver)

Bright Star 3.75” (pictured in silver)